Mythology Island in Poptropica – A Complete Guide

Poptropica’s Mythology Island is one of the most popular islands in the Poptropica game. It features many gods and heroes from Greek Mythology — you’ll even get to meet Zeus himself!

Here is the complete walkthrough of Poptropica Mythology Island for your pleasure.

Poptropica Mythology

Go left to discover the Tree, when you arrive on Main Street. It’s possible for you to scale to the top by bouncing on mushrooms, jumping from branch to branch, and climbing on the snakes like they were vines.

Speak to the satyr and he will tell 10 jars to gather . When you have got them all, return to the satyr and he will open a secret route for you.

Walk across the satyr’s secret route. Select the branch above to knock the golden apple down.

Zeus appears after you decide at the Golden Apple and he gives you a string of jobs to perform for him. Zeus additionally provides you with the Sacred Things Scroll.

Click on the Sacred Things Scroll inside your back pack for more information about all the various things you must find and bring to Zeus.

Jump up onto the top. Turn the switches at each juncture to push the water to fall into the pool down below the Sphinx.

Now the water is flowing into the pool, the Uncommon Bloom will blossom right alongside the Sphinx.

A pomegranate tree above where the Sphinx is sitting. Jump up there and decide a pomegranate in the tree.

Return and go inside the Museum of Olympus. You’ll locate the Starfish stuck to the face of Poseidon’s statue.

Go inside Apollo’s Temple and it is possible to pick up your own Reed Pipe.

Temple of Apollo at Delphi
The real Temple of Apollo at Delphi.

After the Reed Pipe is in your back pack, clink on Euterpe and her statue will coach you on how you can play a melody. You will want to memorize the musical notes and then duplicate them to finish the job.

Once you’ve learned the melody, Euterpe provides you with a duplicate of the Pipe Melody to keep in your back pack.

Head over to the entry to increase entry and the Labryinth through the use of the Reed Pipe to play with the melody you see on the doorway. The right sequence of notes to play is Azure, Blue, Green, Yellow, Yellow, Crimson, Azure, Green.

It may be simple to get lost, once you are inside the Labyrinth. However, you can consistently follow the golden thread to return to the last turn you made inside the labyrinth.

The bones puzzle is a riddle. Remove six of the bones so the remaining bones spell the word, “Ten.”

When you arrive at the snakes mural, select three with the reddish spiral eyes to open the gate and pass through.

After you are beyond the labyrinth, talk with the Minotaur and he’ll give you his nose Ring.

Graffiti has been left by Zeus on Hades’ temple. Help the worker to clean it all away and he’ll provide you with a Drachma.

Find the altar in the temple of Hades and put the Pomegranates there to go into the Underworld.

You will go on a brief boat ride. Bound and duck to stay away from the barriers.

Gods of Mythology Island

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