Give Old School a Try

Old School RuneScape (OSRS) is a variant of the popular game based on the source code from 2007. OSRS was introduced in 2013 as an alternative to the then-current edition of the game. Most of the content and features that appear in the game is decided upon by the community through a series of polls.

RuneScape has been around for a very long time. The game was first released in 2001 and has evolved a lot over the past 18 years. OSRS allows players to play in a much more classic look and feel.

If you want a taste of what Runescape looked like more than 10 years ago, give Old School a try.

More Old School Runescape resources:

Old School Runescape Wiki – everything you need to know about the game

OSBuddy – a vital companion tool for Old School players

Old School RuneScape Web Site

Welcome to my Runescape Cheats blog

Hi this is my runescape cheats blog. I love runescape and think it is one of the best games ever. I play several hours per day once I have finished my homework and I love this game. I will post lots of cheats, secrets and tips here so please come back and visit. If you want to know how to do something in Runescape post a comment here and I will try to answer it. See ya!

How do I become Runescape Player Moderater?

Anthony S asked:

I’ve been playing Runescape for nearly 3 years now, and since the day I found out about Runescape P-Mods, I’ve tried to become one.

I have 0 Black marks.
I report a few people a day for Genuine abuses.
I know a lot about the game.
I help people, if I can when they ask for help.
I type perfectly all the time, just like this. (Well perfectly to the best of my knowledge)
I’m nice, at least I think so.. 😛
I want to help make the game better, I know the Runescape people are suppose to know when someone is doing what I’m doing and make them P-Mods, but why hasn’t it happend then? What am I doing wrong? Can someone help me?

I’m sorry to all you people out there who have had this asked so many times before, but I genuinely think that I would make a good P-Mod.

Thanks ahead of time.

What are the fastest and slowest skills to level in runescape?

Kopen asked:

I was just wondering if someone could tell me the fastest and slowest skills to level in runescape. Maybe if you have a time make a list of all the skills and put it from fastest to slowest or slowest to fastest. I know cooking is basically the fastest with no question and farming and slayer are a couple of the slowest. I would just really appreciate it if someone could tell me some of the fastest and slowest skills to level. Thanks.

What games are like runescape that is free and no need to pay and download?

The Royal Piano Princess Karen asked:

I’ve asked this question for a million times but still i cant get a good answer…. Can anyone please introduce some games are excactly like runescape and it’s free and no downloads needed? Becuase a lot of ppl suggested some download games for me and I dont want to becasue i’m afraid of the virus thing. Please suggest some really good game except Maple Story and Warcraft?